When something goes wrong with your network, one of the most important resources is time. The more time it takes to fix, the bigger the problem becomes. For example, what if there was a better way to find solutions when you encounter network issues and seek troubleshooting assistance instead of having to search the knowledge base for the right articles?
Leveraging AI, Ciena’s customer portal can quickly analyze your queries and provide the most relevant knowledge-base article for the specific problem described. This not only saves time but also frequently leads to immediate problem resolution.
But that isn’t the only way AI is changing technical support and creating more time-efficient solutions. Generative conversation assistants are another powerful tool in our arsenal. When customers interact with our support team via chat and we deem a case is needed, the conversation assistants summarize chat interactions. The summary highlights important information and context before creating and routing the case. This smooth transition ensures support engineers quickly understand the customer's issue, leading to expedited problem resolution.
AI also plays a crucial role in improving the quality of customer case generation. By analyzing historical data and customer inputs, Generative AI (GenAI) will help our global customers create problem descriptions and prompt them for relevant information to optimize the description for quicker resolution. This valuable guidance provides support engineers with the right information to understand and troubleshoot issues promptly, resulting in more accurate and timely resolutions.